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S or N: Little Giants

The classical definition for Slobberknocker is a literal hard hit. I'm going to play off that somewhat in a more figurative manner. While in contrast, and maybe more obviously, the Naw's are things that shouldn't have happened and/or need to change.

Fine Dining

After being held down for one week by one of the best defenses in the league, Dalvin Cook was back to making defenders look silly, exploding through even slightly open spaces and generally showing that he's a special player. Whether by the handoff or the reception, getting the ball in his hands was the right decision more often than not today. Even when he fumbled it worked out for the team because it allowed the defense to get a safety. More about the destruction crew later but the lead back was great & easily earned the lead-off spot!

Welcome Relative

The second-best individual performer today was the much-maligned quarterback. The talent opposite the offense was markedly lower than last Sunday but for the third time this year (and first time on the road) the Vikings dispatched the inferiors as good teams are supposed. None of that takes away from the key next steps that must be taken but as a confidence builder and to silences the masses, Kirk Cousins needed to play the way that he played this afternoon. 11 more like it and the team will be in great shape!

Lake Show

Despite all the talk of malcontented wide receivers, only one used this get right week, to get right. Adam Thielen spoke plainly to the media but never acted in such a way as to compromise the team-first mentality. Whether his two touchdowns, 130 yards and highlight catches are directly related to that approach is a bridge too far in my estimation but it was a welcome development!

Wide Open

Did Xavier Rhodes have his worst game of the season today? That was the question I was asking myself DURING THE GAME. It didn't even take the full 60 minutes for me to start wondering that. The short answer is that I haven't seen a worse performance from him so far. It may not yet be time for him to be replaced amongst the main guys but if he can't do better and as Mike Hughes continues to round into shape, a balanced snap count could go into effect.

Negative Emotion

And then there was the head coach making another bone-headed decision with the pass interference challenge. Without the benefit of everything available to the team but with even a slightly level head, it was about as clear as it gets that Trae Waynes was rightly penalized. The defense picked up their head coach so it didn't lead to any points for New York but with more than five years at the helm those sort of rash, wrong decisions should not be the case.


Anthony Barr had a quiet game statistically but still managed to be the impact player that he's been capable of being since he joined the league. The game-sealing interception was the biggest play but he just seemed to be teasing the Big Apple with what they didn't get in free agency!

The Hounds

The main man in front of him was comparably exceptional as Danielle Hunter was playing like a defensive MVP today. It helped that the Bayou Tiger has a ring of honor caliber player who was giving the G-men's line plenty of trouble as well. Between Hunter & Everson Griffen, every offense needs to be worried about them wrecking drives. They may have only combined for three sacks but each was inches and seconds from closing on more.

Simple & Great

After a zero-sum-game last weekend, Dan Bailey showed the form that he had in Dallas for so long. None of the kicks were crazy long but he did nail a pair from 45+ which was as welcome a development as anything that happened for the Vikings today!

It's not an all-encompassing write-up of the pros and cons from today's game but I think these are the main takeaways from today!


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