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  • Writer's picturePurple Bizon Sports

Foreword to Football: PCS

Now that we're well in to August, I may be the bringer of less than pleasing news. Sorry to burst any bubbles but Fall is just days away. The best thing to do is to take full advantage of the great weather that we get during the non-school months but the fact remains, Fall is coming and what follows that, sometimes in short order. However long Fall manages to stick, it brings the array of colored leaves on the trees and in the grass, the cooler temperatures and FOOTBALL.

For some that last one can't come fast enough. So with that in mind, I present to you this year's Forewords to Football.

A special thank you to coach Lawton Burgstahler for taking the time to answer my questions!

As you've thought back on last season, are there one or two memories that really stand out as the highlights? 

"​I would say the highlight was definitely Vs. Hillcrest. I don't think I've ever been in such an up and down game with momentum switching so many times. Both teams left their hearts on the field. 

Other than that, I would say our first game vs. Hancock was very emotional. We were full strength for the only time of the year, and it was our first game back after 2 seasons away. That game also came down to the final minute. We drove to the 25 yard line but threw a pick. It was a great game and very memorable to everyone that was there. 

Finally, watching my senior Casey Kremke run the ball in our final regular season. It was her only carry and she had been begging to get in and try it. When she did run it, she took one of the biggest hits I've seen and she popped right up with a huge smile on her face. All the hard work she put in, was all worth it after that run. That's what its all about."

From the first practice of last season til the last game, how did you see your team improve?

"We grew close like a family throughout. No one stepped back from the fight. Everyone had to learn multiple positions as injuries hit us hard."

How do you hope to build on what you accomplished in 2018?

"Well this is the year we have been working towards. Our seniors have been leaders. They know how good they can be and have fully dedicated themselves to be bigger, faster, and stronger. The leadership is funneling down to our large sophomore group and there is excitement about playing football in the lower grades."

Did you take any steps with the team to continue improving this Summer?

"We joined with Sanford Power for our summer program and did some 7 on 7's and a team camp. We have done the 7 on 7's and camp the past couple of years and we grew as a group by doing each of the camps."

Beyond the every team goal of conference and state championships, what do you hope to accomplish in the Fall? "We were just moved to a new district and will be playing all new teams this year. We hope to start some new rivalries and be competitive. We don't want to be the smallest on the field anymore or to be looked at as the underdog. We have a long way to go to earn that respect."

Is there a position or two that you think will be the best on offense and defense?

"We will be solid at RB, WR, and QB but have a lot of work to do across the front. Our defense will be restructured and we have 2 solid tacklers coming back. We should be solid if we can stay healthy longer than game 1."


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