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  • Writer's picturePurple Bizon Sports

Riding the Chute

Rollercoasters and basketball. What do they have in common? Read on to see!

In basically every roller coaster there are upsides and downs. In many there are the upside downs, shocking twists and times that merit screaming.

All those elements could be used to characterize different times of this NBA season for the Timberwolves. Another common part of ro coasters is the big drop near the end. Before the final chute can be experienced the cart has to go up, up, up. That's where we are right now.

The improvement. The fun stretch of weeks where the team was playing great is the climb to the peak. Now it seems we've had the quick descent down the other side.

The skeptical Minnesota sports fan in me has thoughts of an even greater drop coming soon but I don't want to buy that. The worst I'm hoping for is a gentle run up to the exit area. I would gladly accept a sharp turn before that happens though.

I can only hope that we have passed through the big drop though. However the rest of the ride goes, it will be over soon...and hopefully on a high note!


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